After purchasing online live lessons, where can I see my course schedule and lesson details?

All your purchased live courses are available on your Education Platform page.

Click on the LESSON CALENDAR link in the course you have purchased. You will see your course calendar on the page that opens.

Lesson Calendar : The lesson calendar is where all your lesson days and hours are processed during your educational progress. When you click on the relevant date in the calendar, you can find the details about your course for that day.

Study Room : This is a private study and communication area for you and your teacher and other group students, if any. Your teacher communicates with you in this area. Your assignments are sent to you through this area. You can share any questions, problems, or requests from your teacher in this area.

When you click on the Details link;

Course Statistics & Report Card : Provides graphical information about the progress of your group's lessons.

Payment Details : It provides the payment information you have made for your education. You can print or download it, but it is invalid as an invoice. When your invoice for your payment is uploaded to the system, you can access it separately from this area.

Sales Contract : The sales contract between Candelas Education Consulting Ltd. Şti. and you for the education you purchased from us.


If you have any problems or any questions you want to ask, please let us know via the SUPPORT CENTER. We will be happy to assist!

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